Believe In Yourself

We all need motivation from time to time. Sometimes it comes from a teammate or a friend or a family member. Some people get it from the “Live, Laugh, Love” throw pillows. It could be a motivational speaker. You might find your inspiration or motivation while attending a religious service.

We all need that boost on occasion.

Most of my life, I’ve had to rely on myself for motivation. It doesn’t always work. I have my lazy days. Days I don’t want to get my ass off the couch. It’s not easy to rely on yourself to get shit done, but you have to. That external force may not be readily at hand when you need it. Life isn’t a Hallmark movie where the perfect sign comes to help you make a decision, to help push you beyond your limits, or to get through whatever is holding you back.

Learning to rely on yourself is tricky. When you are your own driving force, success lands solely at your feet. So does failure. It’s all on you. You own it.

But no one should believe in YOU more than YOU. We all need to have that confidence in ourselves. It comes through hard work, dedication, and focus. That’s where it comes from. It will manifest itself differently for everyone.

You may have that combination of confidence and strength like Michael Jordan. You may have the swagger of Muhammad Ali. It may come through in quiet strength of Rosa Parks. However it shows itself, you need to acknowledge it. You MUST believe in yourself.

You should be your own biggest fan. Believe in yourself like no one else does. That’s where it all starts. Inside. In your gut. If you don’t believe you can be successful, you never will be. No two ways about it.

Believe in yourself enough to tattoo that shit on your body. I did. That’s the logo for Keep Moving, Keep Shooting on my calf. That’s how much I believe in that book. That’s how much I want everyone to read it and to love it. That’s how much I believe in Clay Novak.

Tattoo it. Believe in yourself.


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