Blame the DNC

On August 11, 2022, I wrote a blog called “Good for No One” (you can read it here Good For No One — Clay Novak ). I wrote it in the aftermath of the raid on Mar-a-Lago by the FBI directed by the Department of Justice. I wrote on how the FBI was being weaponized, going so far as saying I didn’t like using that term, but it seemed highly appropriate.

I was attacked. By people I knew. Friends and acquaintances. Even a former teacher and coach. It was crazy the reaction I received to JUST that part of the article. Seriously, people came after me saying I was insulting the agents of the FBI, and they swore an oath “just like you did”, and I should be ashamed of myself. I tolerated the lunacy of some of those people for a while and then eventually cut lifelong ties. Including that boisterous former teacher and coach.

The funny part is, the weaponizing of the DOJ was only a very small part of the article.

The bulk of the article talked about how this type of attack on a former President hadn’t been done. It was one of those unspoken rules. Every President knows or assumes the men before them had done some things that may or may not require an investigation. They also knew that they to, as President, would likely be put in those same positions. No one wanted to start that trend because they knew they would likely be subject to reprisal.

No one investigated Bill Clinton. No one investigated George W. Bush. No one investigated Barack Obama. Had they all done things worthy of investigation? Damn straight they did. Did their successors let it go? Yep.

Until Joe Biden decided to go after Donald Trump.

It started with the Mar-a-Lago raid, but I knew what was coming. That was the tip of the iceberg and, as we all know now, it continued with multiple lawsuits and criminal charges. For the next four years Joe Biden, with the backing of the DNC, went after Donald Trump over and over again. It was unprecedented and even generated the term “lawfare”, which no one had ever heard before.

And it all backfired.

President Trump is a businessman, and unless he KNEW he was going to win, would likely not have run for President again until Mar-A-Lago happened. At that point, Biden and the DNC poked the Bear. They tried to step back and investigate Biden and Pence and a few others to make it seem like Trump wasn’t the ONLY one being investigated. He was, however, the only one with lights and sirens and armed FBI agents tearing through his house. The treatment was neither fair nor equal.

President Trump had already spent four years in the White House. He saw how the machine worked from the inside. He was exposed to the corruption, as much as they tried to keep it from him. I honestly think he was willing to let it go until they came after him personally. Then, when it persisted and even expanded, he could feel the support from the voting public. There was an opportunity for him to not only get back in the White House, but also to expose the corruption within the government and then dismantle it.

And through that, he would have his revenge on those that came after him.

I told everyone in that blog back in August of 2022, if they were cheering for what happened to Trump, they had no idea what they had unleashed on future administrations. They had no idea what harm was going to come from a current President attacking a former President.

The point of the title “Good for No One” was that this was setting a new precedent where Presidents will go after their opposition. This was opening Pandora’s Box and Presidents and politicians would continue this trend because the seal was now broken. It doesn’t matter which party. They will ALL do it.

Admittedly, President Trump is being extremely smart about this. While he hasn’t (yet) directly investigated Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer, he is tearing down the apparatus they built to support their wealthy and corrupt lifestyles. He isn’t (yet) going to send them to jail. He is going to ruin them indirectly by destroying their wealth and reputations. It’s calculated and cold and brilliant.

It is also EXACTLY what the American public voted him back into office to do.

When all is exposed and studied by historians in a few decades, they will determine the strategy by the DNC, endorsed by a handful of RINOs, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and executed by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, to go after President Trump on a personal level was the single largest political strategy mistake since Eisenhower assumed political parties actually wanted to work together to improve America.

This move exposed the weak and disgusting underbelly of American politics. It energized the American public to push back and get involved. Normal people were actively digging through media feeds and connecting dots to expose what we now call the “Deep State”. It turned traditionally “blue” districts and states “red”. It excited the conservative voting base. The strategy itself is what put President Trump BACK in the White House.

It also gave him the opportunity, the courage, and ultimately a mandate to EXPOSE everything. Nothing and no one were off the table. The DNC started the firefight. It was a fight they didn’t need to pick. They could have focused on making Biden and Harris actually popular by doing their job and NOT by trying to make President Trump look bad. It was a bad strategy.

It is the catalyst for this administration. It is the catalyst for DOGE. It is the catalyst for tearing down the corruption and bureaucracy that exists in “Big Government”. It is the catalyst for Conservatives controlling the House, Senate, and White House, along with a majority of Conservative voices on the Supreme Court.

And the reaction to all of it will be the reason for four years of Trump, followed by eight years of Vance. Because the DNC is still focusing on hating Trump instead of their own misstep in August of 2022. They will spend the next four years attacking Trump, ignoring the fact it hasn’t worked yet, instead of developing a new strategy and grooming a new candidate that can COMPETE by being likeable and appealing to the majority of voters.

So, for all of you that don’t like what is going on, you can yell about Trump ALL YOU WANT.

Actually, you need to Blame the DNC.


Back at Bragg…


A Cog in the Wheel