Coup d’Etat

Literal translation…a blow to the state.

When you look up “coup” versus “coup d’etat” you will get two very different results. The second one being a swift and violent overthrow. “Coup” by itself has a much lower impending doom feel to it. It is a notable or successful move.

Recently Maureen Dowd from the New York Times used the word coup to describe the moves made by the Democratic Party to get President Biden to step down from his reelection bid. There were gasps heard from the blue side of the aisle when they read it. Why? She wasn’t wrong. It WAS a coup.

In my opinion, the gasps were pre-emptive but also a waste of breath. Any and all of the democrat politicians involved with ousting President Biden knew they were committing to a coup. They just didn’t want any of us to know that’s what it was. And, as of about midnight last night at the DNC, the coup was complete when President Biden disappeared from view after his speech. That’s it. End of story.

“Why was it a coup?” you ask yourself. “President Biden wasn’t removed from office. He didn’t step down. He’s still the President, so it’s not a coup, right?”

Wrong. Maybe not violent, but it certainly was a notable or successful move AND it clearly met the terms of the literal translation. It may not have been violent, but it was definitely a coup. You have to remember, a Coup d’Etat is a blow against THE STATE, meaning THE GOVERNMENT, not necessarily the leader in power.

In this case, it was a blow to the electoral process. That’s OUR process. That process, although regulated by state and federal government, belongs to US the citizens of the Republic. The coup occurred against the process and not the President.

Don’t get me wrong, President Biden is certainly a casualty in all this. His own party spent the last five years telling him how awesome he was and how great of a job he has been doing, then promptly told him he was done. If it was accidental, we would probably call it friendly fire or fratricide. This was not an accident. President Biden had his career, and his legacy murdered by his own party. You watched the final twitches of his political corpse last night.

The actual coup was negating the entire nomination process by having President Biden run unopposed and then remove him as the candidate, rending ALL the state delegates null and void. They matter not. The democrat party PICKED the candidate. Not the voters. Not the citizens of the Republic. The Party itself picked their candidate. We can point fingers at a few of the key players, but make no mistake, the Democrat Party as a whole is responsible.

THAT is a coup. Period. That’s also why President Biden promptly left the DNC after the first day. They deposed him and they don’t want him around babbling any more than they knew he was going to last night.

Back to the gasps. There was plenty of gasps from the democrats when Ms. Dowd used the word “coup”. “Us? A coup? Whatever are you talking about?” Deny, deny, deny. Always rule #1 in any political playbook (ask the Clintons). Most are pleading the 5th Amendment when it comes to talking about why President Biden stepped down, but we all know it was internal party pressure. The democrats also gasped at the accusation they committed a coup because it wasn’t violent. “He stepped down willingly. It was his decision. He wasn’t removed from office at all, let alone by force. This wasn’t a coup.” Uh, yeah it was. Stop your pearl clutching.

What the democrats don’t realize is they are taking the country down a slippery slope. Every time they do something like this, and they push the envelope further, it opens the door for reciprocity. It isn’t unlike weaponizing the DOJ. All it takes is one desperate or immoral politician to keep moving this forward. We aren’t that far from Communism, let alone Socialism, and today we are one step closer.

Or maybe they DO realize the slope they started us on. Maybe that is part of the new plan. Or maybe it is the updated version of the old plan. I’m sure the endstate of Socialism/Communism hasn’t changed, they are just taking a different route to the objective.

Regardless, after the incidents of January 6th (no matter your feelings about it), and now a non-violent coup in the electoral process, we are one step closer to being a banana republic or a third world country.

We are one step closer to a Coup d-Etat.


Opening the Door for Socialism


My Kind of Town: Chicago on Edge