Draft Day!

It always makes me laugh when people dedicate a day, or two, to WATCH people get drafted for professional sports. NBA and NFL draft coverage is possibly the dumbest thing on television. And guys who make fun of women who watch shows like The Bachelor…you guys are watching the EXACT SAME THING when you watch the draft.

But that’s not the draft I’m talking about.

After my blog just yesterday, that mentioned the potential for a military draft that would include women, I received some feedback. It is not uncommon for one of my blogs to spark debate, so this isn’t new. What surprised me was the number of people that refused to believe reinstating the draft would ever be required AND the idea of including women was even more ludicrous.

First topic first…

There are two reasons the United States would reinstate the draft. First, if our All-Volunteer Military that has existed since 1975 can no longer be sustained. When we can no longer bring in enough physically and medically capable volunteers to sustain the manning required for the defense of our nation, we will need to begin drafting people. You know, when we can no longer support all the missions the Starbucks Crowd wants the military to support like Ukraine and Israel, a draft will be required. You know who you are.

The other reason for a draft is in a time of large-scale war. I’m talking war with China or Russia with the fate of the nation at risk kind of war. That is certainly the less likely scenario, but not unlikely. In that case, the most important jobs to be filled in the military are not the cozy, comfy, air-conditioned jobs. The jobs that will take priority will be the kill or be killed jobs like Infantry, Tank Crews, Artillery, and Cavalry Scouts. That’s where the draftees end up. Volunteers will have more choices because they VOLUNTEERED. Draftees will be introduced to the famous “Needs of the Military” category.

Side Note: There is also the option of mandatory service as it exists in countries like Israel and South Korea, but that’s a different topic for a different day.

Second topic Second…

Including women in the draft is the evolution and the ultimate endstate of feminism. Period. The ultimate measure of equality between men and women is combat. The military is now 100% open to females. There is not a single job that is not open to women. Special Forces. Fighter Pilots. Navy SEALs. All of it. It’s all completely open to women. That’s what everyone who fought for equality wanted…the opportunity to serve in those jobs so they had the same chance to be successful like their male counterparts.

You got it. Done. Get some. Ruck up. Be a badass.

I’m not arguing whether or not some women CAN do those jobs. I served with women that can and did. Those women are warriors and are capable of MUCH more than most of the men I know. There are women that can do those top tier jobs, just like there are men that can’t.

By fighting to allow women into those career fields, the feminist crowd got what they wanted. What they also got, whether they wanted it or not, was the elimination of the argument that women SHOULDN’T do those jobs. That’s not even a discussion anymore, which means all those kill or be killed jobs I talked about earlier will ALSO be filled by women…because there is no reason they can’t. Congratulations Feminists.

It’s not just the cool, awesome jobs people like to see in the movies and on television like Top Gun and SEAL Team. It’s the shitty, awful, exhausting jobs where in large scale conventional combat, people die in large numbers more like the movie Platoon. Women will now serve in those as well. Yes, mothers, daughters, sisters will serve in those positions, those jobs, and those units. And die doing them if that scenario comes to pass. Again, congratulations Feminists.

I’m sure there is some sort of correlation between people who watch the Bachelor, people who watch Draft Day, and people who fought for this type of women’s equality…but it’s too early on a Sunday morning to put those pieces together. Anyway…Congratulations again to Feminists….it’s Draft Day and you’re on the clock.


With Guns


Hey…42…Suit up!