Father’s Day +1

I decided NOT to write a blog on Father’s Day, about Father’s Day.

I decided to enjoy the day.

If you go back a few blogs, I wrote in the entry titled Passions that I am a soccer player. In fact, soccer is something that spans my entire family. My sisters and I played as kids, even through high school. My daughter played. My son plays. Nieces and nephews, too. My parents coached. I coach. My sisters coached.

Shooting is something else that spans my family. All of us shoot, at least occasionally, for recreation. It was a tradition for a number of years to go shoot with my dad on Father’s Day. Obviously, I’ve missed a few of those over the years, but any chance to do it and we did. My dad and his kids and grandkids out at the gun club, shooting together. It makes my dad happy to do something he loves with all of us.

My son came to me on Saturday and said that his high school soccer team canceled their normal Sunday evening workout because it was Father’s Day. His first question was “Are they playing pick up that day? We can go play together.” I was instantly excited to go play, but more importantly to go play with him. And I was really excited because HE wanted to go play with ME. So, we went.

It was worth the hour and half drive there and the hour and a half drive back to play for just over an hour or so…with HIM. We had a blast. We played on the same team. We even set each other up for a couple of goals. I coached him while we played. He was the only son out there with a bunch of old men. It was a really, really good Father’s Day.

As my son dozed off on the way home, I felt like my dad. I knew why he liked shooting on Father’s Day. For him, it wasn’t about shooting. For me, it wasn’t about the soccer. It was doing something you love, and sharing it, with someone you love and having them enjoy it too. I always “knew” this but I never really “felt” it until yesterday.

I’m glad I decided not to write. I’m glad I decided to just enjoy the day.


Fistfights and Firefights

