I’m With Her

Yes, yes…the famous slogan of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she famously ran for President against Donald Trump in 2016.

I’m With Her…Hillary for America 2016.

She lost. But the messaging worked. Messaging is the nice way of saying brainwashing. I was in the Army for over 25 years, I know all about brainwashing.

The Democratic Party circa 2008 learned that you can run successfully run a candidate based on demographics and not on quality or content. When the primaries started that year, there were eight individuals on the ticket to choose from; six white guys, one black guy (Obama), and one white female (Clinton). All six of the white guys dropped out during the primaries, leaving only the black guy and the white female as the two candidates to carry states (Clinton carried 21 of 50). Clinton did actually drop out in early June, but she was the only other candidate with a chance.

By the way, future President Joe Biden also ran and dropped out that year.

Clinton had been a Senator from NY for six years before that election run. Obama had been a Senator from IL for three years before his run to the Presidency. Neither were what you would call “experienced” politicians before 2008. And no, being the First Lady doesn’t count. Obama won with almost no experience, and it wasn’t a secret that him being the first minority President was a major part of his draw as a candidate. Yeah, it was about the demographics.

Fastforward to 2016. After eight years under Obama, the Democratic Party looked to Hillary again. This time, she had a boatload more experience having served as Secretary of State under President Obama for four years and eventually beat out ANOTHER white guy (Bernie Sanders) to be the Democratic nominee. Not only was she the nominee, she was the FIRST female nominee for President. Again, it was about the demographics. You can deny it all you want, but the slogan was…

“I’m with her”

In many cases, the design was even altered to put “her” in italics or in bold or underlined to highlight the fact that you were supporting a woman. Not a candidate. Not a former Secretary of State. Not a former Senator. You were supporting a woman. Her. Regardless of her other qualifications, the thing that distinguished Hillary Clinton from Donald Trump was she was a woman.

Donald Trump had ZERO experience as a politician in 2016. Less than Clinton and Obama had in 2008. Obama got elected. Clinton got more experience. She was the Secretary of State PUSHING Obama to execute the raid that killed Bin Laden for crying out loud. What did her campaign and the Democrats choose to focus on? Her gender. The fact that she was a woman and not the fact that she was arguably much more qualified than Donald Trump. I guess since it worked in 2008, why not do it again in 2016?!

Except it didn’t work. She lost. And when she lost, the Dems went back to the old white guy pool in 2020 and pulled Joe Biden out of his basement. And he won. They did, however, set him up with a female, black Vice-Presidential candidate in Kamala Harris. So, they ticked off the demographic boxes required to suffice the constituency.

Yesterday, President Biden announced he was no longer seeking reelection for President. He turned around and endorsed Vice President Harris as the candidate to replace him in the race. It appeared to be somewhat of a mad scramble across the left as everyone tried to determine what was going to happen next. Who else besides the Vice President? How was the Democratic National Convention going to work? What about candidates for VP? There are plenty of unknowns to be figured out over the next month before the DNC.

You know what the party didn’t need to figure out? A slogan. They are playing the demographics game again. I saw it this morning; the picture of Vice President Harris and the words “I’m With Her” all dusted off and shiny again. That’s their reflex. Play the demographics game.

And TONS of people are already buying into it. It’s all over social media. The campaign didn’t even try something new. I’m with her. Her. Vote for the woman. She’s an idiot and arguably the least competent Presidential candidate in a century, but vote for her because she is a woman.

And you will. So, many will. Zero reason other than that. It’s a woman. Competent or not. Capable or not. Intelligent or not. She’s female. Vote for her. They know people will. The brainwashing is working. Vote for her or you’re a bigot. You’re a sexist.

I can tell you right now, it’s not going to work to get her elected. But, that’s only a small part of the grand scheme. The real scheme is the brainwashing. And it’s working. They know it is….because people are already posting it. They are already putting it all over social media. And people are re-posting it.


Because they already know…You’re With Her.


Diplomacy 101: F


Good Morning Chicago.