National Security Threat

22 years ago, our nation was attacked. Very few people over the age of maybe fifteen need reminding of that. It is a common, and erroneous, argument that the hijackers on 9/11 were illegal aliens or came across our borders without passports. They didn’t. They were on visas, most of them being student visas. People who argue for more border security tend to use this to get an emotional response from people who don’t know the facts.

In the wake of 9/11, we tightened everything up. Do you remember airports before and immediately following 9/11? Holy crap. Armed National Guardsmen. Dogs. Police everywhere. It was a very typical American reaction. Most of it was optics and not really necessary. Yes, there was the shoe bomber and a couple of others that tried to exploit air travel, but there was no way al Queda, or any other terrorist organization, was going to flood the skies with terrorists trying to hijack planes. We were reactionary, which was predictable, and they had shot their wad.

That operation was years in the making. It took planning and funding and training and patience. It also took access, which came in the form of student visas. The terrorists exploited our vulnerabilities in that our Universities love to have international students attend…and the funding that comes with them. What vulnerability provides the greatest access now? Yes, it is in fact, our border policies.

As much as the Federal Government wants to make this a Texas problem, this is a national problem. And I’m not talking about a national problem being restricted to the southwest, this is becoming a significant problem for all states. I actually applaud the Governor of Texas for moving illegal immigrants to other states. He is receiving no additional federal funding to deal with the problem, so he is sharing the burden, and the other states are feeling it.

Watch what is happening in Chicago, New York City, and in Massachusetts. Governors and mayors are overwhelmed by the influx of migrants coming from Texas. They are being housed at O’Hare airport at a cost of $30 Million PER MONTH. The mayor of NYC stood up and said it is destroying his city. The Governor of Massachusetts declared a state of emergency last month because the shelter system in that state is being overwhelmed. The mayor of Washington DC had to do the same thing last year.

Why should this just be a Texas problem if it is because of a Federal policy? Why should Texas shoulder this burden alone? And please, unless you are hosting an immigrant family from Venezuela, Mexico, or El Salvador in your basement, spare me the “heartless bastard” argument. Pretty sure most people wouldn’t take in an undocumented twenty-five-year-old Honduran male with face tattoos who is “seeking asylum” into our homes.

Did I mention crossings of the US-Canada border are up tenfold as well? Yeah, they are.

There are thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, of undocumented immigrants illegally crossing our borders on a daily basis. Let’s not forget, they have been invited by the current administration. And do you think that global terror organizations aren’t watching this? And trying to exploit it?

You bet your ass they are. They already have. There were over 200 Islamic extremists intercepted at the US-Mexico border from mid-2022 to mid-2023. Two Hundred. And those are just the ones that got caught. And that was just within a one-year period.

It is amazing to me, actually it is shameful to me, that our adult population is too embroiled in politics to understand and be aware the risk they are taking on behalf of EVERYONE ELSE. Our current border policy is not just allowing but encouraging threats to the security of our population. Think about that. Our current administration just gave the keys to your house to criminals that mean to do you harm. You, and your kids, and your spouse, and your friends, and your loved ones…and people you don’t even know. They invited them in, and people are cheering them on.

Trust me, I hope another 9/11 never happens. The aftermath became my life for a very long time. I don’t wish that on anyone, especially my kids as they grow older. But that is what is staring us in the face with our current border policy.

This administration, and those that support our current border policies are putting us all at risk. All of us. If you support those policies, understand you are contributing to a National Security Threat.


You’ve Got to be Kidding Me


Not Absolute