No Way

President Biden claimed he would be the “uniter” during his presidency. There are a lot of divides in this country right now, but he is about to add another one.

There is no way, NO WAY, I or any other tax payer should be responsible for paying off someone else’s college debt. No. Fucking. Way. I wrote it before; nothing is free in this world. Our tax dollars, my tax dollars, should not be going to pay off someone else’s decision to go into debt. Worse yet, to saddle the working class that DIDN’T go to college, with the debt of someone that did and can’t pay it off, is total bullshit. You want a class divide? You just got it.

These are grown up decisions made by GROWN UPS. Adults made these decisions, not children. There are repercussions for all decisions, both good and bad. If you went to an expensive school that you couldn’t afford…your decision. If you took out a loan to pay for school…your decision. If you took on a major that doesn’t help you get a job…your decision. I didn’t make these decisions, the rest of America didn’t make these decisions, these people in debt did.

If you’re not already working two jobs to pay off your debt, you’re wrong. If you’re scrolling through on the newest iPhone and can’t pay off your college debt, you’re wrong. If you are driving a remotely new car and can’t pay off your student loan, you’re wrong. If you’re not still living like a college student on Ramen noodles and fucking grilled cheese sandwiches and expect me to pay off your debt, you’re wrong. If you majored in underwater basket weaving and you can’t find a job, that’s not my problem. And if you went to school and failed out like old Blutarsky in the picture, I am DAMN sure not paying for that shit. Happily passing off your debt to someone else is weak. Period.

You could have NOT gone to college right away, saved some money and went to night school or went on to school later. You could have worked through college. You could have gone to a different, cheaper school. You could have gone to trade school instead. You could have done a lot of things, but you didn’t. You CHOSE to go to college. No one forced you.

And by the way, you could have decided to serve your country and get money for college. That was an option too. That was the option I took. That is the option that is paying for my daughter’s college. I served and I am using the GI Bill for HER college. I served in the Illinois National Guard and they paid my tuition to go to Western Illinois University. That is an option anyone could have taken; serve your country and earn the GI Bill benefits and go to college. They chose not to.

We have over-valued college in this country. Not everyone needs to, or should, go to college. We have under-valued trade schools. We NEED those people. We need men and women like my father that went to trade school and worked his ASS OFF for forty years. We need people like my brother in law who has been a glazier since he was a teenager, busting his back hanging glass every day. Electricians. Plumbers. Carpenters. Builders. We need those people.

Unfortunately, THOSE people, the middle class, blue-collar, dirty hands people are going to bear the burden of someone who went to college and probably got a degree. The burden of PAYING for that degree. A degree the working class folks didn’t get and they cannot put to use in their own lives. THOSE tax payers are going to pay for this and it is COMPLETE AND TOTAL BULLSHIT.

If you want to build class resentment, this is the way to do it. If you want to generate divides in this nation, this is the way to do it. Take money from the working class and give it to the educated and the privileged. That’s not being a “uniter” that is catering to classes and giving people shit they didn’t earn and didn’t work for. If the President wants to regulate college debt, then regulate the RIDICULOUS costs being dolled out by universities. University of Illinois Chicago charges just under EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for one year of out of state tuition. Are you shitting me? Regulate THAT Mr. President.

If you support erasing student debt, that’s on you. YOU find someone in debt and YOU pay it off. You will never convince me this is right or just.



One Step Closer


Operation Mountain Sweep