Not Required

I was off social media completely for a couple of years. No Facebook, no LinkedIn, never Instagram, TikTok. None of it. Since I got back on a few months ago, solely in support of promoting the upcoming book, I have seen a bunch of changes in what happens across the “socials”.

The biggest change I have seen is the number of people who feel absolutely obligated to comment on every single thing that bothers them. I mean EVERYTHING. They cannot help themselves. It is virtually impossible for them to NOT express their opinion on any, and every, little thing.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: You are NOT obligated to express a negative opinion of something someone else has posted. If it bothers you, KEEP SCROLLING.

On a daily basis I see things posted on the “socials” that generate thoughts like; Uninformed, Naïve, Inappropriate, I don’t agree AT ALL, or worse.

I can honestly say, I make a conscious decision whether or not I am going to engage when I see those posts. Was I always good at it? Nope. Am I better at it now? I think I am. I try to ask myself “Is it worth it?” to even acknowledge the post or the poster. Am I going to change their mind? Is my response going to add value? Or am I just posting to get something off my chest?

Anyone who knows me knows I am far from a hand holding, teddy bear, singing Kumbaya, type of guy. At the same time, there are plenty of assholes in the world and I am trying not to be one of them. It’s a work in progress.

I’ve said it before in other blogs and even some social media posts; you are entitled to express your opinion. You are also entitled to make a fool of yourself, show your ignorance, post inappropriate things that piss people off, or whatever else that social media platform will let you get away with. Each of those are your right.

It’s also your right to respond to those types of posts from other people. 100% your right. But, ask yourself “Is it worth it or should I just keep scrolling?” My guess is, you’ll find yourself posting less and scrolling more.

Remember, a response is NOT REQUIRED.


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