Lots of headlines going around about how much the IRS collected, or will collect, from the $1.3 Billion lottery winner and how the IRS itself is the real winner of the lottery.

Don’t criticize the IRS for collecting taxes. That’s like criticizing the Department of Defense for fighting a war.

It isn’t the IRS’s fault if you support any of the following:

Big government, government subsidies, student loan debt payback, free health care, the border wall, green energy transition, massive spending bills, or any other government program. These are paid for by TAXES. The taxes we are all legally obligated to pat the Federal and State governments.. That’s not the IRS’s fault.

If you think the top 1% earners don’t pay enough taxes, don’t criticize the IRS for collecting over half the winner’s money on this one. Whoever won is definitely paying more than their fair share.

Nothing is free in this world. Nothing. There is a price to be paid, whether it is in blood, sweat, or treasure, for anything and everything in this world. The IRS isn’t responsible for determining how our taxes are spent, or what they are spent to support.

We determine that. We determine it by who we elect. Who we elect as our voices in Washington D.C. determine what programs we fund and where our tax dollars go. Those decisions drive HOW MUCH we pay in taxes.

Frankly, I’d prefer to make that decision myself. There are a lot of government programs that I don’t support. I am sure there are plenty you don’t support either. There are other programs, or agencies, I would like to see funded MORE than they currently are. I’m sure you have those as well. None of that has anything to do with the IRS, but everything to do with our ELECTED OFFICIALS.

By the way, those elected officials (listen closely all you socialists out there) are supposed to be voting as a representative of their constituency and not based on their own personal beliefs. That means, if a representative from one state decides to vote against what their constituency wants, or what is best for their constituency, solely because they believe it is right…they are WRONG. That means party line votes, based solely on party lines, are WRONG.

And just for a quick history reminder, the American Revolution began and our country was born when a bunch of people decided the Crown was levying too many…you guessed it…



Good For No One

