The Blue Queen

In chess, you have the black queen and the white queen as the two most mobile, versatile, and valuable pieces on the board. In Alice in Wonderland, you have the Red Queen as the main protagonist. Remember…. “Off With Her Head!!” ? But, no one really talks about the Blue Queen.

The Blue Queen is a scourge and the protagonist in our current version of Wonderland. She screeches and screams and throws tantrums. It is even rumored that she has taken a few heads in her day. I say rumored because I would prefer to keep my noggin attached.

It isn’t Former Speaker Pelosi. It isn’t Vice President Harris. It damn sure isn’t Representative Ocasio-Cortez.

Of course, I am speaking about Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She the matriarch of the Democrat Party. The Blue Party. She is the Blue Queen.

She was the First Lady for eight years, then a Senator, then the Secretary of State, then Presidential Candidate. All Blue. All Democrat. Never far out of the news. Always within reach and always influencing. She IS the Blue Queen, and she has zero interest in handing the matriarchy to anyone else, including Vice President Harris.

Secretary Clinton continues to keep herself in the news by spouting some of the most blatantly socialist, bordering on Communist, statements possible. They are flat out Anti-American, edging toward treason. Her latest?

On the Rachel Maddow show, Secretary Clinton was talking about Russian influence on the November election. You know, talking about election interference. Hillary Clinton talking about Russians interfering in the election and how they should be prosecuted. There are too many jokes there, it is making my brain hurt. The absolute gall of this woman is unreal, but I digress.

Knowing that any Russian who influences or interferes with the election will likely never stand trial in the US, Secretary Clinton turned her sights on American citizens. In the interview, she said “…I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence…”

Criminal prosecution for exercising First Amendment rights. That’s what she is talking about. Off with their heads!!! The singularly most influential woman in the Democratic Party just said arrest people for “propaganda”. Before you say something foolish, understand that deciding what is propaganda is entirely based on perspective. In other words, anyone who doesn’t agree with her, and by extension as the matriarch of what her party believes, should be prosecuted as a criminal for using propaganda. That is her idea of a “deterrent” to disagreement.


Read it again.

Are you kidding me? This woman is Chief Criminal in Charge. Email servers. Election Interference. Intimidation. Accessory to murder. She has been accused of all of these MULTIPLE TIMES and continually evades even an investigation because she is THE BLUE QUEEN. She has more protection and more connections than John Gotti, who was known as “The Teflon Don”.

In an even more recent interview, she stated it is “a double standard” for anyone to ask Vice President Harris about her policies. Secretary Clinton espoused the policies are on the Harris website and everyone should just go read them instead of asking about them. (If you haven’t been to the website, you should, and you’ll be shocked at how laughable her “policies” are.) SECSTATE Clinton specifically targeted White Women Voters as the ones trying to decide if they would vote for Vice President Harris, shaming them for not just voting for VP Harris on principle.

In the same interview, she lambasted the press because they don’t “cover Trump the way they should” and they don’t have a “consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is” and that President Trump is a “danger to our country and the world”.

Her opinion. Speculation. Spouted on a national media show. Defamatory to President Trump without any proof. Intended to influence a specific group of voters. Intended to influence media coverage of President Trump. Intended to influence the next election. This is the definition of propaganda.

The woman literally said, just days before, people should be arrested and criminally charged for doing EXACTLY WHAT SHE JUST DID, but only if they disagree with her. She has zero fear.

She is; The Blue Queen.

(Note: If I am arrested or killed in the near future, someone please investigate Secretary Clinton)


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