The World Is Getting Smaller

Hamas decided, on behalf of all of the Palestinian people, to start a war with Israel. And when you start a war with Israel, you start a war with ALL of Israel. So, this terrorist organization (because that’s what they are) indiscriminately attacked Israel through a number of methods. There were thousands of rockets fired. I’ve heard numbers somewhere between two thousand and five thousand. Terrorists infiltrated across the borders on foot, on motorcycle, and by vehicle. They were using drones. I even heard reports, although this sounds very Hollywood, about hang gliders being used.

Once the rockets subsided, the Hamas fighters revealed themselves. They attacked civilians. They kidnapped whole families. I saw a film clip of a young Israeli woman who was in the back of a stolen Jeep, that once she was pulled out, was being dragged around by her hair and paraded in the streets.

The mistake Hamas is making is the assumption that Israel is going to abide by some sort of Rules of Engagement or that they will be discriminate in their retaliation. Clearly this is a new generation of Palestinian fighter, because those that fought against Israel in the 1960s and 70s know they will do what is absolutely necessary to defend Israel. With hundreds dead and thousands injured, this has the potential to be very, very ugly.

I have heard some people blaming President Biden for this attack. That somehow the $6B he released to Iran funded this operation. That money was released about four weeks ago. I have to be honest, I seriously doubt that money had anything to do with funding this attack. I know Hamas is supported by Iran. But I also know an attack this large and this intricate took a long time to plan and prepare for. At a minimum, it takes a LONG DAMN TIME to move around and prep a couple of thousand rockets. This was all in place, or in motion, well before that money was released.

This attack has been rolling around in my head all day. It was executed on the Sabbath. That’s not a mistake. Hamas is a Muslim extremist terror organization. Attacking Jews on a Saturday is NOT a happy coincidence, this was on purpose. In the United States, those who need to label things would put “hate crime” behind this as if it wasn’t clear enough. But there is more going on here than a large-scale attack on Israel. That is a very myopic and dangerous lens to use.

I’m sure people are going to call me a conspiracy theorist or something. I am not drawing any conclusions; I am putting some facts together and you can be the judge.

There was the test of the Emergency Alert System. By itself, not all that uncommon. It is supposed to be tested quarterly. Does anyone remember the last one? I don’t. Does anyone remember publicity for any previous test that matched this recent one? Me either.

There were reports the ATF and local law enforcement in the counties near the Texas/Mexico border were told to be on the lookout for specific purchases of specific weapons from gun stores. The report was there were going to be straw purchases of high power and high-capacity weapons in abnormal numbers. No one puts out an alert like that without somewhat reliable intelligence. If someone from that area who works in Law Enforcement can confirm or deny what I was told, please let me know.

For the first time in United States history, the Speaker of the House was voted out of office. That happened on Tuesday. The House is labeled as doing “District Work” for another ten days according to their calendar. So, we have an international crisis happening inside the borders of one of our greatest allies and we have no Speaker of the House. No one is calling for an emergency meeting of the House Armed Services Committee, the intelligence committee, or any other committee. There is no leadership in the House right now.

Finally, the White House made a seismic change in their policy about the border with Mexico. For six years, Democrats have been railing against building a wall. It was racist. It was inhumane. It was un-American. The construction materials were being sold off. Then, suddenly, a 180 degree change. A wall was not only good, it was needed and the administration was going to put in some waivers to get it done quickly. Why did that happen? What changed THAT drastically and that quickly?

Now we have the attack by Hamas. That’s a lot going on in a week. And I don’t believe in coincidences. So what does it all mean? I said I won’t draw any conclusions. That was a bit of a lie. I have drawn some conclusions based on my experience and my gut. I’m not going to put them out there, but you all need to draw your own conclusions. The only thing I will say is don’t be surprised if some or all of this is tied together and that it spills well beyond the borders of Israel.

The one thing this won’t be is simple. Nothing in that part of the world ever is. And the world is getting smaller.



