To Be A Patriot

Love your country. Be prepared to defend her against enemies.

That’s it. That is all that is required to be a patriot.

In the age of Cancel Culture, it is easy to say “If you don’t believe what I believe, you’re not a patriot” or “only true patriots believe (insert ideology here)”. If you love your country and you honestly believe that your ideology is what is best for the nation, you’ve met the first criteria. No one gets to decide if someone else’s beliefs make them a patriot or not, as long as they truly believe that is what is best for the country.

Democrats will say anyone who voted for Trump, or is a ultra-MAGA (whatever that means) Republican cannot be a patriot. Republicans will say anyone who is a socialist, doesn’t believe in Christian values, or doesn’t stand for the national anthem cannot be a patriot. Hang on to your hat folks; it isn’t true.

If you second guess the police, federal law enforcement, the justice department, or the Supreme Court, that doesn’t mean you’re not a patriot. If you second guess the Department of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or our participation in any armed conflict, that doesn’t mean you’re not a patriot. If you burn the flag, kneel for the national anthem, or curse the President, that doesn’t mean you’re not a patriot.

Words have meaning. Words have definitions. That matters.

Patriot - a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

That’s the dictionary definition, people. Love your country. Be prepared to defend her against enemies. If you don’t like HOW someone “vigorously supports their country”, that is a different discussion but you cannot dub them as unpatriotic or not a patriot. If you disagree with the direction someone else thinks is best for the country, that is a different discussion. If you disagree with the actions of someone else, your opinion may be they are not a patriot but that doesn’t make it true just because you say so. You can decide that person is a lot of things, but you don’t get to decide if they are a patriot or not. It’s not your call. Sorry.

The beauty of our system is that we have freedom of thought and freedom of speech. Thankfully, the citizenry as a whole gets to determine the path and direction of our country. Our collective values and morals decide what this country will become in the future. Dissenting or opposing opinions are welcome, whether you choose to acknowledge them or not. Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean you’re not a patriot. Only the belief in your heart decides if you’ve met the first criteria.

I will say something about the second part of that definition. Being prepared to “defend it against enemies or detractors” means you are capable and willing. Defense of your country has historically required at least a threat of armed defense. If you are not capable or willing to take up arms to defend your country, you do not meet the second criteria. I’ll say that part again. If you are not capable or willing to take up arms to defend your country, you do not meet the second criteria. I didn’t write the definition, but that is what it says.

I know a lot of people are going to argue the second half of that definition. Some because they disagree. Some because it conflicts with their personal values. Some because they are incapable and refuse to admit it. Again, not my definition, folks.

Love your country. Be prepared to defender her against enemies.

That’s it.

It’s pretty simple To Be a Patriot.


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