Today I am Sick

I woke up this morning knowing it was 9/11. I prepared myself for the overwhelming images on social media, the “Never Forget” posts, and the American flags.

I knew fewer would talk about Benghazi, which also happened today in 2012. A rare post about “13 Hours” and the absolute heroes of that day would maybe make an appearance. I knew I would watch the movie tonight, as I do every year.

While I saw those things across my social media platforms, I also saw reactions to the debate last night. Some were commentary, including ones coming from me. Some were much more and much worse.

There are accusations. There are attacks. There are Americans tearing each other apart over this election.

Our country is being torn apart and it makes me sick. Today of all days, this is what is staring us in the face when we wake up. Americans are tearing our own country apart.

We are not who we were on 9/11. We certainly aren’t who we were on 9/12. I don’t even think we are who we were on 9/10. We may not have forgotten 9/11 but we have forgotten what makes America special.

One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for all.

As I watch, and read, and listen to what Americans are saying on 9/11 about their fellow Americans, it tells me we are no longer One Nation and we are allowing the politicians to divide us for their benefit. Today of all days, we should be ashamed of what we have become.

If we truly remembered 9/11, there would have been no debate last night. The news agencies and the campaigns KNOW what the next day is like. Analysis, replays, highlights, and sound bites. All of it showcasing the divide that exists in America today. Today. 9/11. Someone along the way said, “how are we going to cover the debate results and 9/11 in the news cycle?” It was brought up in every programming office in every network. ABC held the cards on this, and they made a decision to do it anyway because it benefits them and the politicians.

It’s staring all of us in the face. We are no longer One Nation. Watch your feeds today. You’ll see it. You’ll feel it.

Maybe you wouldn’t have noticed, I don’t know. I saw it right away, early this morning at 5am. I saw a picture of the Towers. Then I saw a post about the candidates both lying, and the replies were vicious from both directions. Then a post with the times of the attacks. Then a MAGA post with a JOY post right behind it. Then firemen standing in the rubble. The distinct difference hit me hard.

I’m sitting here, writing, as the sun comes up. I know this day is hard for so many people. Wouldn’t it be easier if we weren’t so angry at each other? Shouldn’t we be One Nation that can disagree and not hate each other? I really wish it was. But it isn’t. Today it isn’t easier. Today we aren’t One Nation. Today we have forgotten.

Today I am Sick.


Jordan for President!!


Debate Prep