Bill Burr IS Hypocrisy

This week, comedian Bill Burr went on a rant, which is nothing new. That is exactly what Burr has grounded his comedy in for years. He rants and he raves. He acts angry and when people challenge his anger, then he gets angrier.

Brace yourself Bill.

You’re a f*cking hypocrite. This week’s rant isn’t funny. It shows how out of touch you really are about yourself.

In his latest rant, Bill Burr decided that economic struggles in the United States are due to all the billionaires.

“The amount of people struggling out there because of these f*cking billionaires, and they got us all arguing liberal and conservative. We gotta stop doing that.”

So, what he is saying is that Americans are easily distracted by the wealthy and that we should stop arguing about politics and political positions because, you know, rich people. He continues…

“There is so much f*cking money in this country, and there’s so much work being done. If you work a full f*cking week, you should be able to pay your f%cking rent. You shouldn’t have to go get another f$cking job and still be struggling.”

While I think we all agree with Bill in principle, I’m not sure his grasp of how the economy works is quite there. I am also convinced he forgets what country he lives in. The very country that allows him the freedom of speech to run his mouth like he does, is the same country built on capitalism which allows everyone the opportunity to become wealthy. But that’s not what Bill wants. He wants wealth redistribution. He wants Socialism.

I wonder if he realizes he won’t be able to be his loudmouth, cocky self in a Socialist society?

How does he propose to get these billionaires to distribute their wealth? He wants to kill them.

“These f&cking billionaires… They need to be put down like f#cking rabid dogs.”

He hates them for their money. He hates them because he feels they are greedy.

He also fails to mention his own net worth of somewhere in the $15-20 MILLION range. Yeah. This assclown hates billionaires and thinks they should be killed while he is sitting on $20M. I’ve heard him in an interview with Howard Stern talking about taking helicopter lessons. He brags about just renting them and admits it’s a rich man’s game.

That’s how out of touch this guy is.

He’s not a billionaire. Those guys should all be killed. He’s just a multi-millionaire. Those people are cool. No worries there. What a douchebag.

I used to like Burr. I did. Until he made a crack in one of his routines, and then continued to defend it during interviews, about how not everyone in the military is a hero. While I appreciate his freedom of speech, he hides behind freedom of speech as a way to insult people. I’m entitled to my opinion like he is, and I think he is a hypocrite and a coward.

His comment was that the guy on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier who gives the final signal to launch an aircraft is not a hero. Is that point arguable? Sure, it is. Do I agree with him in some respects? I certainly do. Here’s the reality check Bill.

You’ve never done it or anything remotely close to it. You have no idea how dangerous the deck of a carrier is in the middle of the night, in the middle of a storm, in the middle of the ocean. It takes courage and dedication and commitment to something bigger than yourself. Things you’ve never shown because you graduated from college and have been working for yourself ever since.

You criticize the guy that wrote the blank check to his nation, but don’t have the balls to do it yourself. You criticize the billionaires because they assumed the risk and took the rewards. You did the SAME thing and have millions, but they are the ones you hate because they have billions. They are the ones that should be killed, according to you.

What happens, Bill, when someone who is more unhinged than you are acts on your words? What happens when the next Luigi Mangione happens? Will you take any responsibility?

Of course not. You’ll hide behind your angry comedy and blame the person who did it.

What happens when someone threatens YOU and YOUR family because of the money YOU have? You act like a tough guy, but I bet you’ll hide behind “first responders” like the police who you have also made fun of. You’re not a tough guy. Again, you’re a hypocrite and a coward.

My guess is, you’ll see a sidestep from Bill. Someone will challenge him on this, but in a soft way. He will say people are overreacting or they are misinterpreting. The questions will be asked in a way that allow him an escape. He will deny he meant killing the billionaires. He will gaslight.

Tell me, Bill, how else do you put down a rabid dog? You meant they should all be killed. That’s the only way. You mean Musk, and Gates, and Besos. You probably mean President Trump too, but you can’t say that because he’s the President and the Secret Service would pay you a visit. That IS what you meant. Kill them all. All the billionaires.

Not the millionaires, right Bill? So out of touch. It isn’t comedy if it isn’t funny. Sorry bro.

But that’s who you are. That’s who Bill Burr is. Bill Burr IS hypocrisy.


The New Boss Hogg