The Close Fight

In the military, we often talk about the “Close Fight” which is normally determined by distances and/or time in relation to the enemy. I always thought the term “close” is determined by the person on the receiving end of whatever the enemy is dishing out. Close can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people depending on the situation.

Right now, the people living in Aurora City, Colorado are in the middle of what I would call The Close Fight. The Venezuela based gang, Tren de Aragua (TdA) are taking over. Yes, a gang from Venezuela is taking over a city in Colorado. Do I really need to explain this is a direct result of the current administration’s complete ineptitude and shit border policy? I shouldn’t and I won’t, but that’s reality.

Video has been made public in the last couple of days of TdA freely roaming around an apartment complex, armed with various weapons, banging on doors and going into people’s apartments. These are typical South American gang intimidation tactics. They have taken over this apartment complex, they are intimidating the residents, living there without paying rent, sex trafficking, and selling drugs. They are driving some residents out of the complex, leaving those that can’t afford to leave or are too scared.

The people in this apartment complex are in the Close Fight. Unfortunately, the police department of Aurora City have said they “believe reports of TdA influence in Aurora are isolated”. Yeah, ask they people in that apartment complex if they care how “isolated” this is. The police don’t feel like they are in the Close Fight, but they don’t get to determine that. They need to address this NOW.

TdA started in Denver, exploiting the horrible border policy and the status of Denver as a sanctuary city, and then moved to the suburbs where they arrived in Aurora. This is the same town where in 2012, a deranged man walked into a movie theater showing The Dark Knight Rises and began shooting people. You would think that police department would want to stay ahead of tragedy and be proactive. They need to get into the Close Fight.

If you think this doesn’t impact you because you don’t live in Aurora, Colorado, you’re wrong. TdA is moving and expanding and responsible for over one hundred crimes across the country. Have I mentioned they have established themselves in New York, too? They are also not the only gang or organization operating like this. There are plenty of other criminal gangs in the United States that have been acting like this for decades. Most of them are using the border for business purposes like drugs and human trafficking. Others, like MS-13 grew from the immigrant population but were home grown in the United States.

Gangs like TdA are different. They CAME here with criminal intent. They purposefully exploited our weaknesses. They brought the fight to our soil. They won’t be the last. The people in Aurora are in the Close Fight. How long do you think before it arrives on your doorstep?

We are already heading down a slippery slope. Open borders, immigrants being moved to every corner of the country, movement to defund the police, reckless bail reform in major metropolitan areas, and efforts to repeal portions or all of the 2nd Amendment are a recipe for disaster. This is happening right now, in real time. Ask the people of Aurora, Colorado.

This isn’t a doom and gloom scare tactic. THIS IS REALITY. Too many people have been voting with a sense of “not in my backyard” for the last two decades. Many supported these policies because it didn’t impact them. Bringing in immigrants with no background check was fine….but they didn’t invite them into their homes or into their neighborhoods. At arm’s length, defunding the police from the safety of their suburbs gave them a sense of contributing to the fight many in urban areas were feeling. They were voting for Mayors, Governors, and States Attorneys who supported bail reform when it never impacted them, but it made them feel better.

All of that closed the distance for the enemy. It allowed him to bring the fight to American soil. People didn’t realize it then, but they were allowing themselves to be brought into the Close Fight. Now it’s here and people are surprised….and unprepared.

You better get prepared. You better change your mindset. You better decide what is most important to you. When crime comes to your town, drugs come to your doorstep, your child is kidnapped, and violence is knocking on your front door, it is too late.

You’re already in the Close Fight.


The Real Dictator Please Stand Up!


Loyalty Only to the Machine