The Real Dictator Please Stand Up!

Recently, a New York Times article claimed the US Constitution is dangerous and people have lost their minds. What is actually a pretty good article ruined itself right off the bat by attacking President Trump with the tired claim that he will become a dictator if he is re-elected. According to the columnist (who is normally a non-fiction book reviewer for the Times…huh?), the Constitution is the reason President Trump was “allowed” to be elected. She goes on to give some decent history lessons about the electoral college, slavery, the agreements that had to be made to get all the original signers to agree.

Like I said, without the attacks on President Trump, it’s not a bad article and a lot of people are talking about it. Even Elon Musk has made a statement about it, claiming the New York Times hates the Constitution.

The NYT, and every other news outlet, has a business responsibility to sell content. Yes, they also have a responsibility for good journalism, but at the end of the day it’s a business and this is an editorial piece, so journalistic integrity is a little bit out the window. So, a sensational topic and headline are the goal. During an election season, what is more controversial and sensational than attacking the Constitution? Not much.

While the author, Jennifer Szalai, uses the article to go after President Trump as a predetermined dictator if he wins the election, she fails to recognize or admit to a few key things.

The current Democrat ticket has openly attacked both the 1st and 2nd Amendment and have vowed to curtail them both if elected. Governor Walz has gone as far as saying “There’s No Guarantee to Free Speech on Misinformation or Hate Speech, and Especially Around Our Democracy.” While the Supreme Court has ruled Free Speech is not absolute, Governor Walz doesn’t get to decide what is and isn’t free speech. Vice President Harris, as part of the current administration, are already guilty of suppressing free speech by manipulating social media content to their benefit. That’s a fact.

Vice President Harris and Governor Walz also have no qualms about restricting or repealing the 2nd Amendment. They haven’t been shy about this, although Walz is attempting an end-around ploy by claiming he is a hunter too, as well as professing some sort of expertise based on his mediocre military experience. Vice President Harris is trying lean on her “I prosecuted violent criminals” track record to go after guns, failing to acknowledge her complicit role in criminal activity by allowing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants across the border.

Vice President Harris has also, as part of the Biden-Harris administration, touted the idea of altering the Supreme Court because they don’t like the current political alignment of the justices. In other words, they want to make the court bigger so they can appoint THEIR OWN JUSTICES that align with THEIR POLITICAL PARTY to make the Supreme Court lean in their favor. Yes, change the Constitution to benefit their political goals.

I mentioned earlier about the illegal immigrants flowing across the border. Any idea why the Democratic Party is so in favor of the open border? We all know the reason: To manipulate voter numbers to change the outcome of the Presidential election. Do you know why Vice President Harris is saying she will close the border if she is elected? Because she knows there are already enough new voters to get her into office. She doesn’t need more of them; she already has them. The spike in criminal activity was a risk she was happy to assume on behalf of American citizens to ensure she and her party stay in power. Wasn’t that nice of her to make that decision for you?

You see, it isn’t really President Trump that is the planned dictator. He already had four years in office. Do you remember him attacking the Constitution like this? Do you remember him curtailing free speech? He did, admittedly, make a mistake on the 2nd Amendment. He banned bump stocks. He did it. Not hiding that fact. It was also overturned by the Supreme Court and the ATF got put back in their box.

Did he attack the electoral process? He did refuse to acknowledge the election results because he believed, like many Americans, the election was manipulated or flat out stolen by President Biden. Al Gore did the same. So did Hillary Clinton. I know some believe he was directly responsible for January 6th, but all the evidence points to the contrary. And at the end of his four-year term, he packed his shit and left. If he had plans to be a dictator, he wouldn’t have left.

People will also claim he overturned Roe v Wade and will enact an all-out abortion ban if he is elected, both an attack on individual rights. If you believe that, you really need a reality check. He didn’t overturn anything. The Supreme Court made that decision, and they returned the right of determination back to the individual states to decide. There is no federal abortion ban, and there never will be, because President doesn’t have that power. By the way, the promise by Vice President Harris to reinstitute Roe v Wade is not within her power, so it is a hollow promise. Or most people call it a lie.

So, who really IS the threat to become a dictator? Is it the guy that has four years of experience and no real history of dictatorial behavior? The one who was in position to become a dictator and walked away? Or is it the wannabe candidate who has openly expressed distain for the portions of the Constitution that could keep her out of office now or in the future? The one that has all the indicators of planned efforts to overturn the Constitution to benefit herself and her party?

Honestly, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on, I think we would all prefer The Real Dictator Please Stand Up!




The Close Fight