Welcome to the Third World

The “Third World” was a term used to describe economically developing countries. Mostly referring to countries in Africa, Central and South America, and East Asia, the “Third World” countries were generally former colonies recently independent of their “First World” parent nations.

This label has fallen out of favor in terms of categorization, but the feel you get from it remains relevant.

Typical characteristics of “Third World” nations were high levels of poverty and violence in urban areas, high levels of unemployment, low literacy levels, the absence of a middle class, political corruption. lack of a common national identity, and an unstable economy.

This is where we are. We elected people into office that led us here. WE did this and we did it happily, voluntarily, and with our own voices. WE did this.

If you missed it in the weekend news cycle, countries around the world are ditching the US Dollar. Our currency was the currency for the world. US Dollars were used for global trade. Countries aligned under BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are developing a global currency based in gold and rare metals and moving away from the US Dollar. Go back and look at those countries again. This is not a small issue.

We are selectively targeting government officials with legal actions. Save your “he broke the law” bullshit. Bill Clinton was accused of sexual assault by a dozen women and never investigated. I’m not even including Monica Lewinksy or Paula Jones. There was a raid with sirens and lights and guns on Mar-a-Lago. Agents casually knocked on the doors of President Biden and Vice President Pence. No one ever did anything about Secretary Clinton and her illegal servers. Save your “Holier than Thou” for someone who buys that crap. This is Banana Republic stuff and I’m not talking about the lame clothing line.

President Obama, furthered by President Trump, spent their entire time in the White House working to drive a wedge in this country between their supporters and the rest of the nation. They wanted to make sure everyone picked a side in an effort to retain power. Neither had the “Power of America” as their top priority. I know, supporters of President Trump will argue the “America First” effort…but he is a maniacal narcissist. It was about him. And George Soros has done more to corrupt our political system than any singular individual in the short history of this country. Yeah, I said it.

We have spent decades corralling low-income households into clustered public housing with shit funding and even worse education. That evolved from a way to get back on your feet into a multi-generational lifestyle. With illegal activities like drugs, theft, and human trafficking viewed as the only way out, violence has escalated beyond control. Cities like Chicago and Philadelphia look more like Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City than what they were even fifty years ago.

With all this going on, we are no longer identifying as Americans. We are identifying as our pronouns, our gender, our sexual preference, our race. We are identifying ourselves by the cars we drive, the college we graduated from, how much money we make, what gang we belong to. We are identifying ourselves by our political beliefs, which side of the aisle we sit on, the party we support. We are no longer proud to be Americans.

So, here we sit. On the downslope of our national existence. Worried about everything but our survival. Focused on ourselves instead of our long-term existence as a nation. I hope everyone is comfortable in their front row seat for the end of Capitalism and Democracy.

Welcome to the Third World.


Welcome to Environmentalist Island!


Consistency. That’s all.